Welcome to By Heart and Hand's Blog...We are located in the Nashville area but work throughout the middle Tennessee area and are available for travel to other locations. We are a boutique style photography company that specializes in wedding photography as well as individual and family portaiture. If you like this little sampling of our work, please check out our website at http://www.byheartandhandphotography.com/.

We absolutely LOVE what we do! It is awesome to be able to share the excitement that accompanies such a happy time in people's lives. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss your wedding or special event with you and see if we are a good fit. There are so many great photographers in the area that if for some reason we are unavailable or not a great fit, we are always happy to offer you a referral to some of our trusted friends! If you like what you see, shoot me an e-mail (info@byheartandhand.com) or give me a call (615-260-3093) and we can meet for coffee to chat!

Have a fabulous day!

Updates and a Real Wedding Sneak Peak (Lindsey and Johnny)

I am a bad blogger...not just somewhat relaxed in my posting schedule, but bad...awful actually.  I can sit and talk and carry on about weddings all day and night - if you don't believe me, just get me started next time you see me and you will see!   :)  But, sitting down for a few minutes and writing up a blog posting about one of the weddings I am involved in...now that is another matter!  I think I prefer chatting to writing since I like feedback and commentary that comes from talking to someone face to face.  Still, I am trying to resolve to get more consistent with my postings and I figure what better time to start than at the end of the busy wedding season...after all, in theory I should have more time on my hands now, right?

So first of all, I want to give you a quick update in case you missed my post in early October about this.  In addition to doing all my regular planning, photography, invitations, etc., I am now a part time employee of Williamson County Parks and Recreation (like REALLY part time as in an hour a week)!  I have signed up to teach a Wedding 101 class.  It is kind of a wedding boot camp where we cover all things wedding related.  It is on a monthly class schedule and is offered by Longview Rec Center in Spring Hill.  So basically, we had 4 sessions 1 hour each in length in October (on Thursday nights) - except for last night which was our last session...I don't think anyone wanted it to be over so we basically stayed last night until we got booted out when they were closing the center! 

If you are a DIY bride and you don't want to or cannot afford to hire a wedding planner, I defnitely suggest signing up for this class (of course I might be slightly biased regarding the quality of the course content since I designed it, but I don't think so)! I shared budget tips, ideas for low cost decor, what you need to ask all your vendors and look for in your contracts, what should be in your wedding day emergency kit, and the actual budget template I use for the weddings I do.  In addition to the great course content, you also get the opportunity to share and discuss all things wedding with like minded brides, mothers, aunts, and friends...all of whom are in the midst of the planning process so they have wedding on the brain just like you!

The next class starts next week.  In November we are just doing 2 sessions due to the Thanksgiving Holiday and Veterans Day so there will be 2 sessions that are 2 hours in length each.  The sessions will be on Thursday, November 4th and Thursday, November 18th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.  One of the main goals with this class is to keep it affordable so the class fee is only $15 with an additional $10 fee for class supplies.  Please note that due to a busy holiday season, we are not offering any Wedding 101 classes in December so the next chance after November to take the Wedding 101 class will be in January...don't worry, I'll keep you posted!

For more information or to register, you can contact Williamson County Parks and Recreation directly at 615-302-0971 ext 10 or you can just show up a few minutes early on Thursday night (November 4th) and register at Longview in Spring Hill. 

You can also find out more information at www.wcparksandrec.com/facilities-parks/longview-rec-center

Now, because I don't like to have any post without a picture, here are a couple of sneak peak preview photos from a wedding we did a month or so ago.  We can't actually take credit for the decor since we just did the photography for this wedding, but I totally LOVED her color scheme.  Tune in next time to see the super cute way the bride used her colors in the decor! 

The bridesmaids carried cute (and affordable) paper parasols instead of flowers!

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